14 Day Trial FREE Select |
Premium $59 for 6 months Select |
SharpHome.com Listing | ||
Commission Upon Sale | 0% | 0% |
One-time non-recurring fee | ||
Duration of ad | 14 Days | Six Months |
Printable Brochures | ||
Customer Support | ||
Ten photos | ||
Google Listing | ||
Oodle Listing | ||
Vast Listing | ||
Lycos.com Listing | ||
Craigslist Listing | ||
Olx.com Listing | ||
ByOwnerMLS.com Listing |
Twitter Integration | ||
Facebook Marketplace Integration | ||
Select 14 Day Trial FREE | Select Premium $59 for 6 months |
Or call
or email info@sharphome.com if you have questions.
SharpHome.com is secured using a thawte Digital Certificate. This ensures that all information you send to us via the World Wide Web will be encrypted. Please click on the thawte Trusted Site Seal which demonstrates our commitment to your security.
Why does SharpHome.com need my credit card for the 14 Day Free Trial?
We ask for your credit card for the following reasons: to insure we’re paid if your listing runs for longer than 14 days; and to insure that we’re getting quality listings and accurate data. Your card will not be charged at all until after fourteen days have passed, and we will send you a reminder email one day before your free trial expires.
What are the steps to selling a home on SharpHome.com?
Selling real estate isn’t complicated. Generally speaking there are five steps in the process:
1) Price your property
2)Create your listing on SharpHome.com, which will serve as your website highlighting your property
3) Reference your listing on SharpHome.com on your yard sign
4) Connect with a buyer
5) Transfer the title, which is always handled by either a title company or an attorney at the closing.
Will I be able to sell my own home with help from SharpHome.com?
Yes, chances are that if you use SharpHome.com in conjunction with one of our yard signs, price your home correctly and give the process time to work you will succeed.
By combining our yard signs with our web presence we will market your property to millions of potential buyers.
You will only be charged once for any program. SharpHome.com NEVER rebills your credit card and will never charge you any additional fees after you create your property listing. The service is free to buyers.
How many people will see my ad?
It is impossible for us to know how many people will click on your ad because it depends upon so many variables—price, location, type of property, et cetera.
However the SharpHome.com process makes markets your home to a very wide population of potential buyers. To this end we add your listing to Google, Oodle, Craigslist and other websites. This makes your property available to millions of potential buyers. Only SharpHome.com offers distribution on this scale.
Also, our site is designed to work in conjunction with our yard signs, which are an important way to market your property to passersby.
To find a store that sells our yard signs, click here: Retail Locator.
What types of properties can be sold on SharpHome.com?
You can sell any type of property on SharpHome.com. Generally speaking we specialize in selling residential properties, but we have no prohibition against listing commercial properties or raw land.
Can I pay for my listing with a check or money order? Can I pay in installments?
No, we only accept credit cards for payment at this time and we aren’t able to accept payment in installments.
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