

Explaining Escrow

For many home buyers and sellers, escrow is an unfamiliar term that’s often confused with closing. While an escrow agent is involved in the closing of a real estate transaction, escrow itself is the process where an impartial third party ho...

How to Find a Lawyer

If you’re concerned about the legal logistics of selling your own home, hiring a real estate lawyer may give you peace of mind. In most states, a lawyer isn’t required to finalize the sale of your home, but some sellers prefer having ...

How to Take Photographs

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s certainly true than when it comes to selling your home. Nothing will capture a potential buyer’s interest like pictures that showcase the best attributes of your house. With a f...

Should you use a Broker?

Deciding to sell your home is a big decision – and the first of many you’ll have to make once you set the process in motion. The next step is figuring out whether you want to sell your own home or rely on the help of a real estate age...

Top 10 Mistakes Buyers Make

#1 Making major purchases. Your finances will be scrutinized before a bank will approve a home loan application. Even if you have perfect credit – or you’ve recently come into some money – extravagant purchases can jeopardize yo...

Top 10 Tips for Buyers

#1 Check your credit. Correct any errors, try to repair any damage, and establish two years of reliable payment history before you apply for a mortgage.

#2 Save. Plan for your down payment, closing fees, attorney fees, and other expens...

What Buyers Should Expect at Closing

Once the house-hunting, negotiating, and inspections are over, you’re counting down the minutes until you can move in to your new home. Closing, the final meeting where all the papers are signed and property title is formally transferred, i...

Where to Place Your Sell Sheets

In this competitive housing market, it takes a lot of hard work to make your home stand out – and advertising has become more important than ever. If you want your house to sell, you have to be aggressive and get creative with how you use y...